Art Revo Terms & Conditions

At Art Revo LLC, we strive to deliver exceptional services and maintain a transparent and professional relationship with our clients. To ensure clarity and mutual understanding, we have established these Terms and Conditions. This document will serve as a reference for all service agreements, agreements, complaints, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and other relevant interactions between Art Revo LLC and its clients.


  • Client: Any individual, company, or organization that engages Art Revo LLC for its services.
  • Service agreement: A formal agreement between Art Revo LLC and the Client outlining the scope of work, responsibilities, timelines, and payment terms.
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA): A documented agreement between Art Revo LLC and the Client specifying the expected level of service, performance metrics, and responsibilities.
  • Deliverables: The tangible or intangible outputs produced as a result of a project, including but not limited to designs, content, reports, and websites.
  • Third-Party Content: Any materials, code, or services provided by external entities not directly controlled by Art Revo LLC.



The purpose of this Terms and Conditions is to:

  1. Establish Clear Expectations: Define the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of both Art Revo LLC and the Client to ensure a smooth and successful collaboration.
  2. Ensure Legal Compliance: Provide a framework that adheres to legal standards and protects the rights of both parties.
  3. Facilitate Efficient Project Management: Outline processes and procedures to manage projects effectively, including timelines, deliverables, and revisions.
  4. Protect Intellectual Property: Define the ownership and usage rights of all intellectual property created or used during the course of a project.
  5. Set Guidelines for Support and Maintenance: Establish the scope of support services, including response times, maintenance activities, and conditions for additional charges.
  6. Detailed Financial Obligations: Clarify payment terms, invoicing schedules, and conditions for additional costs or penalties.
  7. Provide a Basis for Conflict Resolution: Offer a clear process for addressing and resolving any disputes or issues that may arise during the collaboration.

This document is integral to all engagements with Art Revo LLC and will be referenced in all relevant communications and documentation to ensure consistency and accountability.


Client Responsibility and Indemnification for Copyrighted Material and Storyboard Approval

  • The Client acknowledges and agrees that they are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions, clearances, licenses, and releases required for the use of any copyrighted materials, intellectual property, trademarks, branding, sound recordings, images, or other proprietary materials in connection with the production of the final video product by Art Revo LLC.
  • Art Revo LLC shall have no liability or responsibility for any delays or failures to deliver the final product caused by any such unauthorized use of intellectual property or proprietary materials by the Client.
  • The Client shall indemnify and hold Art Revo LLC harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or costs (including legal fees) arising from or related to the use of any such unauthorized materials, without limitation in time.
  • In the event that the Client provides any copyrighted or proprietary materials for incorporation into the final product, the Client warrants and represents that they have obtained all necessary permissions, clearances, and licenses from the original copyright owner or material provider, and that such materials do not infringe upon any third-party rights.
  • Art Revo LLC shall not be responsible for any infringement or violation of any intellectual property rights or proprietary materials contained in the Client-provided materials, and the Client shall fully indemnify and hold Art Revo LLC harmless from any such infringement or violation.
  • Furthermore, in the case of animations or videos with storyboards, the Client acknowledges that the final storyboards must be approved and signed off by the Client before production work begins. Any changes to the storyboard structure after approval may incur additional charges.
  • By agreeing to this Intellectual Property Rights and Storyboard Agreement, the Client acknowledges that they have read and understood all of the terms and conditions contained herein and agree to be bound by them.


Video Production Agreement

  • All work undertaken will be as per the agreed quotation. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that this is thoroughly read and understood prior to booking. Any amendments or additional days’ filming will be charged at our current daily rates.
  • A standard filming day is 8 hours of crew time on-set or at location (including lunch and breaks but excluding travel time). Any additional overtime required by the project or client on the filming day may be subject to additional costs.
  • Clear access for video and sound capture shall be arranged and managed by the Client. If filming venues are being organized by the Client, it is the Clients responsibility to ensure that our production crew and supporting personnel have clear access to all relevant locations and contributors required. Delays in production as a result of inadequate access to facilities may incur additional charges.
  • Art Revo LLC takes Health & Safety matters seriously and Art Revo LLC reserves the right in all instances to remove any of our personnel and/or equipment from a location if Art Revo LLC deem it to be unsafe or if our crew are subjected to abusive or aggressive behavior. In such circumstances the Client will be fully liable for any costs incurred or subsequently arising as a result. Art Revo LLC will observe the site safety rules at all times and will liaise with the appropriate contact outlined by the Client.


Additional Content

  • Additional content requested by the Client that was not included in the original agreed scope of work will be subject to additional charges. Art Revo LLC will provide the Client with a new quotation for the additional content and no work will commence until the Client approves and signs the new quotation. Any amendments to the new quotation must also be approved in writing by the Client prior to work commencing. The additional content will be invoiced separately to the original project and will be subject to the same terms and conditions as outlined in the original agreement.



  • Art Revo LLC will maintain all necessary insurance policies including public liability and professional indemnity insurance to cover its activities in relation to the provision of video production services. The Client is responsible for obtaining and maintaining its own insurance coverage for any property, equipment or personnel that is required for the project. The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Art Revo LLC against any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, expenses or costs arising out of or in connection with any property, equipment or personnel owned or operated by the Client in connection with the project.


Adverse Weather Conditions

  • In the event of adverse Weather conditions, Art Revo LLC reserves the right to reschedule any filming or production work. If the Client chooses to proceed with the filming or production work despite adverse Weather conditions, any resulting delays or additional costs incurred will be the sole responsibility of the Client. In the event of inclement Weather that occurs during the filming or production work, Art Revo LLC will assess the situation and may suspend or delay work until it is safe to continue. Any resulting additional costs incurred due to the adverse Weather conditions will be the responsibility of the Client.


Client Delays

  • If the client causes a delay in the production timeline, Art Revo LLC will not be held liable for any additional costs, expenses or losses incurred as a result. The client shall be responsible for any delay and shall use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that the agreed timeline is maintained.
  • If the client’s delay results in Art Revo LLC being unable to complete the work, Art Revo LLC shall be entitled to issue an invoice for work already completed and for all expenses incurred up to the point of delay.
  • Art Revo LLC reserves the right to re-negotiate the delivery date if a delay caused by the client results in the original delivery date being impossible to achieve. In such instances, Art Revo LLC shall provide the client with a revised timeline and an estimate of any additional costs incurred.
  • If the delay is caused by adverse Weather conditions or any other event outside of the client’s control, Art Revo LLC will work with the client to minimize any additional costs and to complete the work as soon as reasonably possible. However, Art Revo LLC shall not be held liable for any additional costs, expenses or losses incurred as a result of such a delay.


Post-Production Feedback and Amendments

  • Post-production feedback is an essential part of the video production process, and Art Revo LLC offers up to three rounds of reasonable amends within the agreed-upon project scope. A round of amends is defined as reasonable changes or revisions to the video project that can be completed within a single feedback cycle. Reasonable changes may include minor adjustments to timing, pacing, or visual effects.
  • Scope Limitation: Any changes or additions requested by the client must remain within the project scope originally agreed upon in the initial quotation. If the client wishes to introduce changes that go beyond this scope, such changes will be considered “out of scope.”
  • Out-of-Scope Amendments: It’s important to note that changes considered out of scope will require a new quotation and mutual agreement from both parties before any further work is carried out. Out-of-scope amendments might include those that necessitate significant re-editing, additional filming, or substantial alterations to the project’s direction or objectives.
  • Additional Charges: In the event that the client requests more than three rounds of reasonable amends or any amendments deemed out of scope after the final video has been delivered and approved, any additional work required will be subject to additional charges at our current post-production day rate of AED 1800.
  • Mutual Agreement: The scope of any additional work will be agreed upon by both parties in writing before work commences. This ensures that both the client and service provider have a clear understanding of the nature and extent of the additional work and its associated costs.


Client Responsibilities for Three Rounds of Amendments

  • Prompt Feedback: The client is responsible for providing clear and timely feedback within a reasonable timeframe after each round of revisions is submitted. Delays in feedback may impact project timelines and may result in additional costs if extended amendments are required.
  • Scope Adherence: The client’s requests for amendments should align with the originally defined project scope. Any fundamental changes to the project direction or objectives should be separately communicated and mutually agreed upon, as these changes may lead to adjustments in project timelines and costs.
  • Consolidated Feedback: To optimize the revision process, the client is encouraged to consolidate feedback from all key stakeholders and add onto the Vimeo video file. This should include specific comments, suggested changes, and any visual or written references where applicable.
  • Designation of a Single Point of Contact: To maintain efficient communication, the client should designate a single point of contact responsible for coordinating and relaying feedback to our team. This ensures clarity and minimizes potential miscommunications.
  • Adherence to Deadlines: The client is responsible for adhering to mutually agreed-upon deadlines for each round of amendments. Failure to meet deadlines may result in project delays, additional costs, or rescheduling.
  • Clarity in Communication: The client should communicate their expectations, preferences, and objectives clearly. Unclear or ambiguous instructions may lead to misinterpretation and additional revision cycles.
  • Approval and Sign-off: Once the client is satisfied with the final round of amendments, they are responsible for providing formal approval and sign-off. This signifies the completion of the project and initiates any subsequent phases, such as production or delivery.
  • Additional Rounds: If the client requests more than the agreed-upon three rounds of amendments, this will be treated as a change in the project scope and will result in additional costs and an adjusted timeline. The client should communicate any such requests promptly.


Project Duration and Delivery

  • Project Commencement: The project will commence on the agreed-upon start date specified in the project timeline. This date will be confirmed in writing.
  • Project Timeline: The project timeline, including key milestones and deadlines, will be outlined in the project scope document. The project manager will work diligently to ensure that the project adheres to this timeline. Any changes to the timeline will be communicated and agreed upon by both parties.
  • Project Delays: While every effort will be made to complete the project within the specified timeline, the client acknowledges that unforeseen circumstances may lead to project delays. In such cases, the project manager will promptly notify the client of any potential delays and provide revised timelines.
  • Delivery of Deliverables: The client will receive project deliverables in accordance with the agreed-upon project timeline. The format and method of delivery will be specified in the project scope document.
  • Client’s Role in Timely Delivery: The client’s timely provision of feedback, approvals, and required materials is essential to ensuring project delivery according to schedule. Delays in client responsibilities may impact project timelines.
  • Partial Delivery: In some cases, project deliverables may be delivered incrementally. The project manager will specify the delivery schedule for such cases.
  • Final Delivery and Acceptance: Upon completion of the project, the client will receive the final project deliverables. The client shall review these deliverables and provide formal approval and sign-off in writing to signify project completion and acceptance.
  • Project Closure: Following client approval and sign-off, the project will be considered closed. Any further work, amendments, or additional services will be subject to a new agreement.


Copyright and Ownership

  • As a creative house & marketing agency, Art Revo LLC is committed to upholding copyright laws and respecting ownership of all materials used in our client’s projects.
  • Where the Client provides any material, including logos, images, trademarks, footage and audio, it is the responsibility of the Client to obtain the necessary permissions in advance from the original copyright holder. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the Client hereby indemnifies Art Revo LLC against any claims, disputes, expenses, or similar that may arise from breaching any copyright laws or pre-existing terms and conditions attributed to the material.
  • Art Revo LLC retains all rights to the usage of footage captured during the production of any client-commissioned project. However, as part of our video production service, Art Revo LLC will grant a time-unlimited license for use of that footage to the Client subject always to the following express condition:
  • “Art Revo LLC retains all copyright over any content Art Revo LLC produces. A usage license grants the Client permission to use the content in the state in which Art Revo LLC provides it to the Client. Permission is not granted to re-edit, copy, or alter the content in any way.”
  • Art Revo LLC reserves the right to use any footage and related files from any client-commissioned project in our showreels and for other promotional purposes.
  • Art Revo LLC assigns to the Client a license to use the video production in its complete delivered form only. Art Revo LLC do not give permission for any material to be altered, edited, or used as part of another production, unless this is expressly agreed in writing.
  • Provided that all payments due to us from the Client have been received as cleared funds in our bank account, and provided that the Client is not in breach of anything contained in these Terms and Conditions, the Client is granted a perpetual usage license relating to the video material in its delivered form. Until all payments are made in full, the copyright and ownership of all edits and material shot or created remain the full copyright and ownership of Art Revo LLC. Any material published that has not been fully paid for will be copyright-claimed by Art Revo LLC e to the publishing platform.
  • Art Revo LLC retain the right to use any of our copyright material for any legal purpose, including its use within projects for other clients, unless (a) Art Revo LLC have granted an exclusive license to any Client or (b) the material contains trademarks or specific intellectual or imagery copyrighted by the Client.
  • Once the Client approves a project as complete and satisfactory in writing, it will be publicly released by Art Revo LLC and the Client. Clients are not permitted to release any form of preview or work-in-progress content to the public or their end-user.
  • By publishing a video into the public domain, the Client assumes that it is acceptable for any talent featured in the video, including voiceover artists, contributors, actors, and presenters, to use and publicize their appearance in the video for the purpose of the talent’s own showreel and marketing use (in whole or part use).



  • As part of our video production service, Art Revo LLC reserves the right to add a visible or invisible watermark to any content produced for the Client. The watermark may include our company name, logo or any other identifying information. The purpose of the watermark is to protect our intellectual property and prevent unauthorized use of the content. The watermark will not be removed by us unless prior written permission is granted by Art Revo LLC. If the Client wishes to remove the watermark, this must be requested in writing and a fee may be charged at our discretion. The Client acknowledges that the presence of the watermark does not affect their rights to use the content in accordance with the agreed usage license.


Cost of Raw Footage and Project Files

Cost of Raw Footage:

The cost of raw footage, which includes the expenses associated with filming and recording video and audio content, will be charged at a rate of 30% of the total filming or production costs. This fee is exclusive of post-production, editing, and any other components that come after the raw footage is captured. The raw footage cost will be billed separately from the overall video project cost and is exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT)

Cost of Project Files:

The provision of Project Files, including editing timelines, motion graphics, and other associated audio and visual components, is subject to an additional cost, with two options available:

  1. Basic Project Files: Basic Project Files, which include editing timelines and related assets, are available at a cost of 30% of the total video project cost, exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).
  2. Full Project Files with Intellectual Property (IP) Transfer: Full Project Files, with the additional benefit of intellectual property (IP) transfer solely on the timeline sequences, are available at a cost of 50% of the total video project cost, exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT).



Client’s Obligations and Indemnities

  • The Client shall provide the necessary instructions, assistance and technical information to Art Revo LLC, as reasonably required by Art Revo LLC, in sufficient time to facilitate the execution of an Order in accordance with any estimated delivery dates or milestones. The Client shall have sole responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of all information provided to Art Revo LLC and warrants and undertakings to Art Revo LLC that the Client’s employees assisting in the execution of an Order have the necessary skills and authority to do so.
  • The Client shall be obliged as quickly as possible and within the agreed deadline to comment on and or approve materials provided under the Services, including (without limitation) profile copy, target Website readerships and graphic material submitted by Art Revo LLC. In addition, the Client shall be obliged as quickly as possible and within the agreed deadline to implement changes on Websites, in IT systems or where it may otherwise be required by Art Revo LLC.
  • The Client shall be obliged to inform Art Revo LLC immediately of changes of domain names, Websites, passwords, technical setup and any other material information regarding the technical infrastructure which may affect the Services delivered by the Company.
  • In the event that the Client fails to undertake those acts or provide those materials required under this clause 5 within any agreed deadline (and at least within 15 Business Days of the date requested by Art Revo LLC) the Company shall be entitled to invoice for the Services that it has supplied and the remaining Services specified in the Order whether or not Art Revo LLC has been able to deliver them.
  • The Client shall indemnify and keep Art Revo LLC indemnified fully against all liabilities, costs and expenses whatsoever and howsoever incurred by Art Revo LLC in respect of any third parties as a result of the provision of the Services in accordance with the Order, Specification, or the content of the Client’s advertising or web pages which result in claims or proceedings against the Company for infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights of third parties, or for breach of confidentiality or service agreement or for defamation.
  • Art Revo LLC requires that prior notice be given of any alterations relating to the Client’s social media profile(s) that may affect the services supplied by Art Revo LLC. If alterations are made by the Client or a third party to the Client’s profile(s) then performance and brand integrity may be affected, and Art Revo LLC cannot be held responsible.


Holiday Requirements Submission

  • To ensure timely delivery of the Client requests before official holidays in the UAE, the client must submit all requirements at least 10 days in advance. Failure to do so may result in delays, and tasks will be deferred until after the holidays. Alternatively, with written approval from Art Revo LLC, any tasks submitted late will be quoted and charged at our standard rate starting AED 350 per hour.

Social Media & Digital Marketing Content Creation

  • Social media or digital marketing-created content includes but is not limited to, photography, videography, filming, graphic design, animation, motion graphics, scripts, blogs, captions, and any other form of content intended for use on social media or digital marketing. The client isn’t permitted to employ it for any other use.
  • The client must provide an extensive written brief about the photoshoot, videography, video editing, graphic design, and any content creation-related task. This is particularly important for social media or digital marketing-related content. Any non-communicated request will be considered an invalid claim by the client.
  • The quota for the client’s photography, videography, or content creation visits is a maximum of 2 hours per visit. Anything above will be quoted and charged separately at our standard rate, starting at AED 350 per hour.
  • According to the Art Revo LLC’s relevant experience, the agency (Art Revo LLC) will share the concerns and observations or recommendations that might affect the quality of the work (Ex, weather conditions for photoshoots, natural light conditions for outdoor shoots, design colors and styles, etc.) and If the client insists on proceeding under the same inappropriate conditions that can affect the quality of the results, the client will be fully obligated for the results; hence, the client’s complain will be considered an invalid claim.


Community Management

  • Community management includes responding to comments, messages, and posts on agreed social media platforms. Community management services will be provided for 4 hours per day during our working days. These services will not be provided on weekends, public holidays, or any designated off days observed by Art Revo LLC.
  • Standard response times for community interactions (comments, messages, and posts) are within 24 hours during working days. Any messages or interactions received outside of the standard working hours will be addressed on the next working day.
  • Art Revo LLC will manage all community interactions in line with the brand guidelines and tone of voice provided by the client.
  • The client must provide clear and updated brand guidelines, FAQs, and any necessary information to handle community interactions effectively.
  • Timely feedback from the client is required to handle specific inquiries or issues that may arise from the community.
  • Any significant changes in the community management strategy or additional tasks outside the agreed scope will be estimated separately.
  • Art Revo LLC is not responsible for any delays or issues arising from third-party platforms or service outages.
  • We do not guarantee specific results or engagement levels as these depend on various external factors beyond our control.
  • Community management services may be suspended if payments are not made on time or if the client fails to comply with agreed terms.


Delays and Complaints 

  • Complaints concerning delays or breach of Service agreement shall be submitted immediately after the time when the Client became or should have become aware of the matter. If the Client fails to bring the defect (unless by its very nature it is impossible to ascertain within such a period) to the attention of Art Revo LLC within 48 hours, the Client shall be deemed to have accepted the Services and shall not be entitled to assert remedies based on delays or breach of Service agreement.
  • The Client hereby acknowledges that certain Services rely upon goods and/or services being provided by third parties (‘Third Party Services’).  The Client acknowledges that the Third-Party Services will be governed by that third parties’ terms and conditions and that Art Revo LLC cannot provide any warranties in respect of the Third Party’s Services and will not be liable to the Client for any delays and/or failings in respect of the same.
  • Art Revo LLC’s only responsibility in respect of the Third-Party Services is to take reasonable care and skill when selecting the providers of the same.
  • The Client’s exclusive remedies for late delivery or Services not conforming with the Service agreement are as specified in this clause 8 and if the remedies set out in these Terms have been exhausted, the Client’s final remedy is limited to cancellation of the Service agreement and Art Revo LLC’s sole liability is to refund any payments for Services not conforming with the Service agreement, subject to the limitations set out in clause below.



Except as expressly stated in this clause, Art Revo LLC shall have no liability to the Client for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or in connection with the provision of the Services or for any claim made against the Client by any third party.

Without prejudice to the generality of the clause above, Art Revo LLC shall have no liability for any losses or damages which may be suffered by the Client, whether the same are suffered directly or indirectly or are immediate or consequential which fall into the following categories:

a)     Any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in relation to the Service agreement even though the Company was aware of the circumstances in which such loss could arise;

b)     Loss of profits; loss of anticipated savings; loss of business opportunity or goodwill;

c)     Loss of data; Loss of search engine rankings; Loss of Website traffic; Loss of followers; Loss of access to social media profiles



Design & Functionality

  • Art Revo LLC uses pre-made code, designs and layouts so Art Revo LLC doesn’t waste time creating the Client’s website from scratch. The pre-made elements can be largely customized so you will still end up with a unique website.

  • Art Revo LLC are not responsible for any issues that may arise related to the use of third-party content, code or systems. If any issues do arise, Art Revo LLC will notify you and, if Art Revo LLC are able to do so, provide a separate estimate for fixing the issues or liaising with the third party on your behalf.
  • The Client has plenty of opportunities to review our work and provide feedback. If, at any stage, you’re not happy with the direction our work is taking, the Client will pay Art Revo LLC in full for everything Art Revo LLC has produced until that point and cancel this service agreement.


Text & Images

  • Unless agreed separately, Art Revo LLC is not responsible for inputting text or images into your content management system or creating every page on your website. Art Revo LLC provides professional copywriting and editing services, so if the Client would like us to create new content or input for the Client, Art Revo LLC can provide a separate estimate for that. The Client should supply graphic files in an editable, vector digital format.
  • The Client should supply photographs in a high-resolution digital format. If the Client chooses to buy stock photographs, Art Revo LLC can suggest stock libraries. If the Client would like us to search for photographs, Art Revo LLC can provide a separate estimate for that.


Code & Testing

  • Art Revo LLC delivers Web page types developed from HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Browser testing no longer means attempting to make a website look the same in browsers of different capabilities or on devices with different size screens. It does mean ensuring that a person’s experience of a design should be appropriate to the capabilities of a browser or device.
  • Art Revo LLC tests our work in current versions of major desktop browsers including Safari, Chrome and Firefox. For mobile Art Revo LLC test on iOS Safari and Android Chrome. Art Revo LLC won’t test in other or older browsers (e.g. IE, Edge, Blackberry or Opera) unless Art Revo LLC agrees separately. If the Client needs an enhanced design for an older browser, Art Revo LLC can provide a separate estimate for that.


Search Engine Optimization

  • The Client may also notice a drop in the rank after the website has been launched. This is usually down to the fact that the Art Revo website is significantly different from the previous version.
  • The search engines need time to re-index and re-evaluate your website and this can take anywhere between 1 day and 6 months. This is something that is completely out of our control.


Changes & Revisions

  • Art Revo LLC doesn’t want to limit your ability to change your mind. At the beginning of this service agreement, Art Revo LLC outlined the time Art Revo LLC will spend on revisions, Art Revo LLC estimates that’s what Art Revo LLC will need to accomplish everything the Client has told us you want to achieve.
  • Art Revo LLC is happy to be flexible and if you want to change your mind or add anything new, that won’t be a problem and Art Revo LLC can provide a separate estimate for that.


Updates & Support

  • Unless agreed Art Revo LLC doesn’t automatically update the software or security on the Client’s website. Nor do Art Revo LLC fix bugs, make design changes or give any technical support for free. If you need any software updates, security updates, design changes, or technical support, Art Revo LLC can provide a separate estimate for that.
  • It is highly recommended to keep the Client’s website updated and have security patches installed. Failing to do so may result in the Client’s website being hacked. If attackers acquire your customer data, you are required to notify them by law (Data Protection Act).




  • Art Revo LLC doesn’t guarantee improvements to the Client’s Website’s search engine ranking. Art Revo LLC also has no control over policy or algorithm changes; however, Art Revo LLC will always follow Google’s Guidelines when carrying out work on your project.
  • Sometimes the work Art Revo LLC carries out will cause a temporary drop in your rankings, which is usually followed by a favorable increase.
  • SEO should be a slow process. There are no long-term shortcuts, and most SEO campaigns take 6 to 12 months to see any significant rank increases.


Site Optimization

  • You must notify us of any page edits you do on the client’s website during the campaign. Preferably before they are done, Art Revo LLC can advise and prepare you for any effects this will have on your ranking.
  • Art Revo LLC also needs to know when new web pages are added or taken away so it can take the appropriate steps to ensure the smooth running of the campaign and minimize any risks.



  • Art Revo LLC works with multiple clients and likes to dedicate periods to each client so that Art Revo LLC works as efficiently as Art Revo LLC can. This means that the work carried out on your campaign might be correct at the start or right at the end of the month.
  • Art Revo LLC will, however, complete the work needed by the end of the month and before the next billing cycle. On the (very rare) occasion that this does not happen Art Revo LLC will notify you and make up for it in the following month.



  • Art Revo LLC hosts Websites in service providers like Google Cloud Network, Name Cheap, Go Daddy, and equivalent Web host providers, meaning Art Revo LLC rely on 3rd party resources. Redundant network components are used to ensure uptime and eliminate single points of failure. The Art Revo LLC network has multiple redundant high-speed connections providing fast, reliable connectivity.
  • In Web and digital projects hosting services are quoted separately if needed. Hosting prices are subject to change. All components of the hosting plan need to be cancelled before the start of a new invoicing period.



Art Revo LLC understands the importance of prompt response and resolution times for our customers. To ensure issues are responded to and resolved in a timely manner, Art Revo LLC provides the following levels of service.

Our Responsibilities

Art Revo LLC will maintain and support the Website(s) used by the client. Additionally, Art Revo LLC will:

  • Ensure relevant software and services are available to you in line with the agreement outlined in this service agreement.
  • Respond to support requests as described in the SLA – and within a reasonable time, in any case.
  • Do our best to escalate and resolve issues appropriately and timely.
  • Maintain good communication with you at all times.


Your Responsibilities

You will use the Website(s) covered by the Art Revo LLC service agreement as intended. Additionally, the client will:

  • Notify us of issues or problems promptly.
  • Provide us with access to equipment, software, and services for maintenance, updates, and fault prevention.
  • Keep the supplier informed about potential changes to its website(s).
  • Maintain good communication with us at all times.



As this service agreement is written in the spirit of partnership, Art Revo LLC will always make the best possible efforts to provide support and rectify problems as requested.

However, this agreement only applies to the parts of the Website(s) listed in the quote section. Additionally:

  • This service agreement does not cover problems caused by using equipment, software or services in a way that is not recommended. If you have made unauthorized changes to the configuration or set-up of equipment, software or services, this agreement may not apply.
  • This service agreement does not apply to circumstances that could reasonably be beyond our control. For instance: floods, war, acts of God and so on.
  • This service agreement also does not apply if you fail to pay agreed invoices on time.
  • Having said all that, Art Revo LLC aims to be helpful and always accommodating and will do its absolute best to assist you wherever possible.



Art Revo LLC will perform several specific activities for you. Details of these activities are described in the table below, along with the purpose and frequency of each.

Check for theme, plugin and main software updatesProactive – Monthly

Reminded by our project management system every

month for consistency

Minor design changesReactive

For example:

  • Addition of snippets of content
  • Font color or size changes
Troubleshooting issues with WebsiteReactive

For example:

  • Issues with backend functionality
  • Display errors on front-end


Reactive Support

Art Revo LLC will provide reactive support services to you when you encounter an issue with the Website(s). You should raise this with us to allow us to investigate the problem and respond appropriately.

All support issues should be raised via our online ticketing system, available by emailing [email protected] Raising issues in this way enables us to prioritize and handle them correctly.

It also ensures that required information about the issue is captured efficiently and that the supplier’s response times (important for the SLA) are measured fairly.

Response Times

Described in the table below there are 4 levels at which Art Revo LLC describe the severity of an issue and how quickly it should be responded to and resolved within:

Urgent1 Hour4 Hours
  • Website completely broken.
  • Website compromised.
High4 Hours12 Hours
  • 1 or more pages broken.
  • Contact form or integral functionality broken.
  • Major security vulnerability released or discovered.
Medium8 Hours24 Hours
  • Back-end functionality broke with no front-end effect.
  • Minor security vulnerability released or discovered.
Low24 Hours72 Hours
  • Plugin or software version needs updating but does not
  • pose a security threat.
  • Spelling mistake on front end.
  • Glitch or minor issue in front end design.


  • Support will be provided during working hours. These are also referred to as ‘standard hours’ and are 9:30am – 5:00pm on Weekdays (excluding UAE official holidays).
  • Support will be provided on a remote access basis. Visits to the client’s premises (or to other sites) are charged separately.
  • Additional charges apply for these items:
  • Remote support outside standard hours: AED 300 per hour
  • Onsite visits inside standard hours: AED 380 per hour (travel time included) + travel expenses
  • Onsite visits outside standard hours: AED 450 per hour (travel time included) + travel expenses



General Terms

  • All of our domain-related services are forwarding services ultimately enacted by the registers or registrars Art Revo LLC uses. Our services are, therefore, limited to those enabled by those third parties.
  • You agree not to use your domain unlawfully, infringe any intellectual property rights, or be considered abusive.
  • Art Revo LLC occasionally changes the registrar Art Revo LLC holds your domain with, in such a case Art Revo LLC will email you with the access information which will allow you to update any payment information as required.
  • For compliance purposes, Art Revo LLC will check the information provided against public records to ensure its accuracy.


Domain Renewals

  • If you have registered a domain with us, Art Revo LLC will endeavor to renew your domain on your behalf if you have a valid and up-to-date payment method on your account and you have not set the domain to cancel or manual renewal.
  • You are entirely responsible for any consequences of a domain not being renewed.
  • Domain renewals are billed at the prevailing rate at the time of renewal. For example, a domain renewal rate might differ from the previous year’s renewal rate. You can request a copy of our domain rates by emailing [email protected]


Cancellation & Refunds

  • You may cancel your domain name at any time, providing it is within 24 hours of the payment date, which can be up to 30 days before renewal date.
  • Domain registrations and renewals are non-refundable.
  • Art Revo LLC isn’t responsible for checking any errors such as spelling mistakes in a domain name.



  • If you wish to transfer domain, you must first ensure you have permission and provide us with supporting documentation. If your supporting information is not sufficient then Art Revo LLC may decide not to complete a transfer request.
  • Art Revo LLC won’t transfer any domains unless all fees, including for other services, have been paid.
  • Domain transfers are billed at the prevailing rate at the time of transfer. For example, a domain transfer rate might be different from the transfer rate the previous year. You can request a copy of our domain rates by emailing [email protected]



  • If a domain is not renewed by its expiration date it will cease to operate and will be marked as expired.
  • A domain will expire if there are repeated failed payments, or a manual renewal has not been done.
  • Following the expiry date a domain may enter a grace or redemption period. Certain registries do not allow for grace and/or redemption periods, in this case the domain may be unrecoverable.
  • Art Revo LLC may at our discretion renew a domain name that has expired.


Portal & Management

  • All domain services including registrations, transfers and renewals can be done via our online portal or by contacting your account manager.
  • Our portal will send email notifications for important updates. These include payment issues, domain expiry and renewal notices, order confirmations and any other related notifications.
  • For expiry and renewal notices Art Revo LLC will send you an email at least 30 days before the due date.
  • Please make sure you have whitelisted the domain to ensure you receive any email notifications.



  • “Intellectual property rights” means all patents, rights to inventions, copyrights (including rights in software) and related rights, trademarks, service marks, get up and trade names, internet domain names, rights to goodwill or to sue for passing off, rights in designs, database rights, rights in confidential information (including know-how) and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications (or rights to apply) for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or shall subsist now or in the future in any part of the world.
  • The Client guarantees that all elements of text, images or other artwork you provide are either owned by your good selves, or that you’ve permission to use them. When you provide text, images or other artwork to us, you agree to protect us from any claim by a third party that Art Revo LLC is using their intellectual property.
  • Provided you’ve paid for the work and that this service agreement hasn’t been terminated, Art Revo LLC will assign all intellectual property rights to you as follows:
  • Art Revo LLC will own any intellectual property rights to elements Art Revo has developed prior to or developed separately from this project and not paid for by you (such as plugins, themes etc.). Art Revo LLC will own the unique combination of these elements that constitutes a complete design, and Art Revo LLC will license its use to the Client, exclusively and in perpetuity for this project only, unless Art Revo LLC agrees otherwise.
  • The Client will own the website or graphics Art Revo LLC designed for the Client plus the visual elements that Art Revo LLC created for it. Art Revo will give the Client source files and finished files and the Client should keep them somewhere safe as Art Revo is not required to keep a copy. The Client owns all intellectual property rights of text, images, site specification and data the Client provided, unless someone else owns them.



  • Production related third party costs (i.e. printing, digital productions, illustrations, photography, photo retouch, reproduction, film production, audio production, animation, translations, media purchases, font purchases, 3D-images, model fees, space rent, props, prototypes, fit out) are not included in quotations. If needed, separate offers are requested from suppliers for client approval before commencing production. All parties involved in production invoice the client directly and are responsible for the quality of their own deliveries, unless agreed otherwise.
  • Launching a project requires written approval of the quotation in email or signing a separate service agreement. During the process the client may choose to suspend the work. In case of suspension, only executed work and accumulated costs will be charged.



The Client shall not solicit for hire and shall not hire any current Art Revo LLC employee without Art Revo LLC consent in written form.


  • Both parties agree that no proprietary information shall be disclosed and shall hold in confidence any and all proprietary information not already in the public domain, including but not limited to trade secrets, intellectual property, creative concepts, design and production processes, marketing information or techniques, price lists, pricing information and estimates and client lists or other client information, whether in written, electronic or oral form (“Information”).
  • Both parties agree not to use the Information for any purpose other than the performance of the Services or development of Products for the designated project described in this service agreement.
  • Both parties acknowledge that any disclosure of the Information will cause harm to the party of ownership. Therefore, the parties agree that if either party fails to abide by the terms of this Agreement, the harmed party will be entitled to specific performance by the party at fault, including issuance of a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction enforcing this service agreement, and a judgment for damages caused by breach of service agreement, and to any other remedies provided by applicable law.


Client non-response

  • It is mutually agreed that from time-to-time Art Revo LLC will need access to the Client’s personnel and resources to provide project direction and feedback. Should Art Revo LLC deem the Client to be non-responsive, Art Revo LLC will promptly inform the Client in writing of such required feedback. Should the Client not respond within 5 days, Art Revo LLC will promptly inform the Client that the project resources will be put on hold until such time that client provides necessary access to personnel or resources, and the Client promptly informs us in writing to re-engage our resources in the project. At that time, Art Revo LLC may have up to 7 days to re-engage such resources.


Limitation of Liability

  • Liability of us under any service agreement by Art Revo LLC shall be limited to the value of any fees paid by the Client to us under Art Revo LLC service agreements. Under no circumstances shall Art Revo LLC be liable for lost profits or any incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages, except as set forth in the preceding sentence. Neither party shall be required to indemnify except as required by the express terms of Art Revo LLC service agreements.



  • All services and deliverables will adhere to the quality standards and specifications agreed upon in the project brief and contract.
  • Art Revo LLC will accommodate up to two rounds of revisions per deliverable. Additional revisions will be estimated separately.
  • All deliverables, particularly in web development and digital marketing, will undergo rigorous testing and validation before final delivery.
  • Art Revo LLC commits to resolving defects at no additional cost if they fall within the scope of the original agreement.
  • Art Revo LLC is committed to continuous improvement and will apply lessons learned from each project to enhance future quality.



  • All proposals are quoted in UAE Dirhams (AED) and payments will be made at the equivalent conversion rate at the date the transfer is made.
  • The fees do not include any local authority submission fees, local tax, or other statutory fees and disbursements that may be applicable.
  • Once Art Revo LLC agrees to start a project, Art Revo LLC will issue a 50% non-refundable advance payment invoice, with the remaining 50% upon completion or according to the agreement payment schedule.
  • Possible travel expenses (e.g. taxis, travel tickets, hotels, daily allowance) will be charged on an actual basis. Travel time is charged at 300 AED/h. Upon request Art Revo will estimate these expenses.
  • Work that is outside the scope of work of any shared proposal or quotation or any equivalent document by Art Revo LLC will be quoted separately.
  • The Client agrees to pay for all additional hours of work, at our standard hourly rate starting AED 350 per hour. The Client also acknowledges that Art Revo LLC may recommend 3rd party software or services, to be paid for by the Client upon approval.
  • In case of delayed payments and after sending reminders and follow-ups, taking all possible actions to clear the delayed payments, Art Revo has the right to protect their interests, including suspending the service or disconnecting the managed platforms from the services. All credentials, including, but not limited to, social media, digital marketing, websites, tools, or any service-relevant credentials, will be held, and Art Revo will share these credentials after clearing the amount due.
  • The Client agrees to pay all charges associated with international transfers of funds. The appropriate bank account details will be printed on our electronic invoice. Art Revo LLC reserves the right to charge interest on all overdue debts at the rate of 5% per month or part of a month.
  • Material costs (i.e. prints, boards, postal and courier expenses and other materials needed for the project) will be charged as actual costs. Upon request Art Revo LLC will estimate these costs.
  • Interior and spatial environment design projects do not include HVAC-, architect- or permit images. If needed, these will be quoted separately.
  • Costs shown in Art Revo LLC quotations are based on estimates made upon the brief/ assignment. In case of meaningful changes in the scope of work, production plan or the brief, Art Revo LLC will update the estimates.
  • Launching a project requires written approval of the quotation in email or signing a separate service agreement. During the process the client may choose to suspend the work. In case of suspension, only executed work and accumulated costs will be charged.